The New Standard In Online Payments

  • Pay2m New Payment System

    Agents Group Checkout comes with everything you need to create the best online shopping experience for your customers. Reduce steps in the checkout, accept all forms of payment – including cards and alternative payment methods – and identify returning customers.

    • Security & Access Control
    • Business Data Analytics
    • Social Health Analytics
    • Forensic Investigation
    • Customized AI solutions.
  • How It Works.

    By offering our complete online checkout solution, you make it easy for your customers to shop how they prefer, often with a single-click. With a simpler buying process, you’ll get happier customers who will buy more.

    • The Complete Toolkit For Your Business

      Agents Group builds the most powerful and flexible tools for internet commerce. Whether you’re creating a subscription service, an on-demand marketplace, an e-commerce store, or a crowdfunding platform, Agents group fastidiously planned checkout modes and unequalled usefulness assist you with making the most ideal item for your clients. Many of the world’s most innovative technology companies are scaling faster and more efficiently by building their businesses on Agents Group

    • Customizable Checkout Experience

      Agents Group offers adjustable checkout experience as indicated by your topic to guarantee better client experience, additionally you can without much of a stretch pick multi-language checkout

    • Payment Method

      All major payment methods are included. Your customer can conveniently use Debit or Credit card. You can avail recurring payment service via Agents Group

  • Boost Your Business

    With Secure and Convenient method of installments, client are almost certain to return, clients can shop in a hurry from the solace of their couch.

    • Highest Approval Rate

      Our Approval rate is as of now best in the market as we exercise industry best practices for take-up of endorsement rates, we have pool of industry experts who works day and night to guarantee ensured a good outcome

    • Lowest Charges

      Our estimating model is adaptable and it’s by and large according to your business needs, we trust in Pay as you develop. We have low arrangement expense, low value-based expense, low support Fee and there are No secret charges

    • Customer Loyalty

      Exceeding the customer’s expectations will increase both satisfaction and the number of happy, returning customers. Our 24/7 customer support is always ready to help.

    • Minimize The Risk

      You take care of business; we take care of security. PAY2M is PCI-DSS and PA-DSS compliant and we have implemented international best practices to ensure secure checkout for customers

    • Own The Checkout

      PAY2M Checkout is built to match your brand and you can adjust the design so that it fits seamlessly into your webshop. Your customer will stay on your page throughout the entire purchase experience.

  • Always With Agents Group

    Joining forces with Agents Group will make your everyday life easier.

    • Recurring Payments

      Agents Group enables our customers to subscribe to various services using this feature, this saves time and makes it easier for the customers to clear their payments

    • Real Time Dashboard

      We provide instant insights into sales and trends as well as customer health metrics, overall or at business unit level. You’ll be able to assess your business performance and identify areas for improvement.

    • Fraud Control Module

      Secure and advantageous installment alternatives are the main method of guaranteeing that your client returns

    • Dedicated Merchant Support

      We have a prepared proficient group to help clients 24 X 7 with any issues experienced.

    • Auto Settlement / Refund Module

      Our platform provides users with instant refund for disputed transactions upon request.

    • Installments

      We have one more extraordinary element which so it simple for you which is portions we need this simple for you.

  • Integration

    Agents Group checkout is available through many e-commerce platforms and can be integrated directly to your site if you so wish. The service is integrated in such a way that Agents Group can make automatic updates to it. In other words, once you’ve integrated the solution, your checkout will continue to be updated to meet any needs your customers might have in the future.

  • We Have 71% Of Card Approval Rate, Currently Highest In The Market Because We Have:
    • Advance Fraud Rules
    • Transactions are 3Ds Secure
    • SSL & TLS secure
    • Hash Encrypted
    • PCI & PA-DSS certified
    • Fraud Monitoring & suspicious transaction block and alerts
    • Password protected API’s
    • In compliance with international data security standards

We are a focused versatile team with strong business acumen and technology experience backed by reputation

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